This strategic-promotional program for internationalization – shared and planned by company management for the two-year period 2019-2020 – aims at strengthening its image in a global market context: Cee – Extra Cee.

In particular, the project was born with the aim of strengthening the company in two important and fertile markets: the American one (with an eye mainly to the USA) and the Chinese one (with a focus on Hong Kong).

Thanks to the activities planned and undertaken (fairs, travels, online and offline promotion) it was possible to identify new business partners, let our values be known all over the world and to create networks.


The project, based on the areas referred to in art. 2, paragraph 2, of the decree of 23 September 2014, falls entirely within the activities referred to in letter a) “improvement of corporate efficiency.

The work plan involved the development and implementation of a customer management software; specifically the program created includes all those functions useful to management for: Manage sales information; “Wake up” or “win back” customers who have purchased in the past or do so sporadically; Plan future productions.

Project start date: 18/09/2018 – Project completion date: 12/11/2018

Project amount: € 16,308.00

Amount granted: € 3,007.08 Union co-financing rate: 50%

Local unit where the expenses covered by the project were made : Arezzo (AR) via del Gavardello, 59 / A Cap 52100.

In order to support the development of the territory, we have been promoting for years initiatives regarding university projects and degrees. For many years we have had a partnership with the Piero della Francesca Art Institute of Arezzo, providing internship opportunities to students who wanted to learn art of jewelry design.


POR FESR 2014-2020 – “

Calls for aid for investments in research, development and innovation” Call 2. Research and development projects of SMEs.

Project implementation period: July 2015 to January 2018

2013 – University of Florence, Faculty of Management Engineering, “Industrial Energy Management” exam. With the project “Evaluation of electricity consumption related to the use of compressed air in a goldsmith company” Giulia Andreini and Marco Picchioni were able to examine electricity savings during daily work.


2012 – Neri won the call for bids of the Tuscany Region on the subject of innovation: the Eco Gold Fashion Project (see here). A group of companies developed innovative environmentally friendly processes for the surface finishing of ornamental objects.


2012 – University of Florence, Economics and Commerce Degree by Giulia Neri. The thesis “Sustainability as a competitive advantage in small and medium-sized enterprises: the case of the Arezzo Industrial District” examines the issue of sustainability and how sustainable practices within the company can constitute a competitive advantage.


2012 – Politecnico di Milano, Industrial Design degree. The “Fit the Kit” thesis presents a collection of silver rings, bracelets, pendants and earrings, accompanied by materials such as wood, stone paste, Plexiglas and aluminum that make it unique in its kind. Designer Anna Neri.


2011 – University of Florence, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – Department of Industrial Engineering. Sponsor of the “Firenze Race Team” project. This team represented the University during the Formula SAE (Society Automotive Engineers) competition. This competition involves university students from all over the world, who compete in designing and producing racing cars evaluated in different types of tests. Marco Innocenti joined this team.